inheriting a home

What Can Go Wrong When You Inherit a House in Missouri

If you’ve suddenly inherited a house, you may not be prepared for the questions and issues that can arise. And if you make the wrong decisions, you will likely encounter financial, emotional, and family problems before long. Forewarned is forearmed, they say, so here’s some of what can go wrong when you inherit a house … Continued
Jeanie's Father's House, the Overland Park House that Scott Bought.

Tax consequences when selling an inherited house

While inheriting a home can be quite a roller coaster ride. On one hand, you are probably sad at the passing of the owner of the home. On the other hand, you might be overwhelmed with getting an extra house and all the stuff that goes along with it: mortgage, taxes, insurance, and upkeep. So … Continued
Estate Home: the PINK House

Some Tips for an Attorney Helping Heirs Settle an Estate

Are you an attorney working on behalf of the heirs in an estate? We have worked with quite a few attorneys and heirs over the years and we would like to dispel a few myths. Myth #1:  Appraisal Value is the Value of the Home We understand that as an attorney representing an estate that … Continued

I Inherited Rental Property In Kansas City, What Should I Do?

Selling an inherited house in Kansas City can be really tough in any situation.  We get it.  Here at kcmoHomeBuyer, we have had to help our family through the process with our mother’s home.  There is the grieving process and at the same time, you are living through many old memories as you sift through … Continued